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Into The Pit Free Download (v376) __TOP__

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I cannot see a vessel without dying of longing to go with her: if Iwere free, the first ship sailing for the Indies would have a chance ofcarrying me away. How I regretted not to have been able to accompanyCaptain Parry[114] to the Arctic regions! My life is at its ease onlyin the midst of the clouds and the seas: I always cherish the hope thatit will disappear under a sail. The weighty years which we heave intothe waves of time are not anchors: they do not delay our course.

I found myself free at three o'clock: they dined at six. Notknowing what to do with myself, I went for a walk through avenuesof apple-trees worthy of Normandy. The fruit-crop from those mockorange-trees in good years amounts to the value of eighteen thousandfrancs. The calvilles are exported to England. They are not made intocider, as the Bohemian beer-monopoly is opposed to it. According toTacitus, the Germans had words to express spring, summer and winter,but none for autumn, of which they knew neither the name nor the gifts:nomen ac bona ignorantur. Since Tacitus' time, a Pomona has come todwell among them.

Others, still more obliging, who admit a sort of elegance ofcivilization, would be content to transform us into "Constitutional"Chinese, all but atheists, free and enlightened old men, sitting inyellow robes for centuries in our flowery seed-plots, spending ourdays in a state of comfort acquired to the multitude, having inventedeverything, discovered everything, vegetating peacefully in the midstof our accomplished progress and only going on board a railway-train,like a bale of merchandise, in order to travel from Canton to the GreatWall to chat about a marsh that wants draining or a canal that wantscutting with some other manufacturer of the Celestial Empire. In eithersupposition, American or Chinese, I shall be glad to have departedbefore so great a felicity happened to me.

And now, a few words of a more serious character touching absoluteequality. That equality would bring back not only the servitude ofbodies, but the slavery of souls; it would be a question of nothingless than destroying the moral and physical inequality of theindividual. Our will, administered under the general eye, would seeour faculties falling into disuse. The infinite, for instance, is partof our nature: forbid our intellect, or even our passions to thinkof endless blessings, and you reduce man to the life of the snail,you transform him into a machine. For make no mistake: without thepossibility of attaining all, without the idea of living eternally,you have nothingness everywhere; without individual property, none isfree; whosoever has no property cannot be independent; he becomes aproletarian or a salaried servant, whether he live under the presentcondition of separate ownerships or in the midst of a common ownership.Common ownership would make society resemble one of those monasteriesat whose door stewards used to stand distributing bread. Hereditary andinviolable property is our personal defense; property is nothing elsethan liberty. Absolute equality, which presupposes complete submissionto that equality, would reproduce the harshest form of servitude; itwould turn the human individual into a beast of burden[Pg 214] subjected tothe action which would constrain him and obliged to walk endlessly inthe same path.

"Where material things are concerned, equality can never beestablished in ever so little a lasting manner by a simplepartition. If it be a question of land only, one can understandthat it can be divided into as many portions as there areindividuals; but, as the number of individuals varies perpetually,it would also be necessary perpetually to vary that primitivedivision. All individual property being abolished, there is nolawful owner except the State. This mode of ownership, if it bevoluntary, is that of the monk bound down by his vows to povertyas to obedience; if it be not voluntary, it is that of the slave,where nothing[Pg 215] modifies the harshness of his condition. All humanties, sympathetic relations, mutual devotion, exchange of services,free gift of self, all that constitutes the charm of life and itsgreatness, all, all has disappeared, disappeared for ever. 041b061a72


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