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Flare-ups happen when the airways in the lungs get more irritated and swollen than usual. Your lungs might make a sticky mucus, which clogs the airways. The muscles around the airways will also tighten up, making them really narrow. This clogging and narrowing make it tough to pull air in and push air out.
After you've had a few flare-ups, you may notice that you feel a certain way when one is coming on. Do you have a tight chest or an itchy throat? Are you feeling tired? Do you have a cough, even though you don't have a cold?
Halloween may have passed but those in search of a scare, and were disappointed that "The Grudge 2" did not have Sarah Michelle Gellar in a full role, will have a chance to see their favorite vampire slayer in the new supernatural thriller "The Return." With a commercially friendly PG-13 rating, the spookfest finds Gellar playing a young businesswoman guided by mysterious forces to avenge her own death from a previous life. In the horror genre, Gellar is a bonafide star and can pull in teens and young adults. But with so many fright sequels cramming into theaters recently during the pre-pumpkin period, many genre fans might be all scared out by now. Luckily for "The Return," competition will not be too fierce as nothing else is exciting teenage girls at the moment. The marketing push has been decent, but in many ways it does not stand out as something special or unique that is worth seeing right away. Opening in 1,986 theaters, "The Return" might gross around $8M over the weekend.
Huth told Samuelson that in a bedroom off a game room on the mansion grounds where the three had been hanging out and playing pool and arcade games, Cosby had tried to put his hand down her tight pants, then exposed himself, forcing Huth to touch him sexually, testified Samuelson, who had been distracted playing a game and was oblivious to what had happened.
In this study, we examined the impact of demographics andrelationship status on posting a revealing picture of oneself as a profilepicture on Facebook. We randomly sampled and coded 1,000 profiles of IsraeliFacebook users ranging in age between 18 and 61 years. Over 40% of theprofiles showed at least 1 picture of the user dressed in a skimpy outfit.Results of a multiple logistic regression model indicated that younger age, alower level of education, and not being engaged in a committed romanticrelationship were significant predictors of the posting of these pictures.Further, gender alone was not a significant predictor, but the interaction ofgender and level of education was. Specifically, women with ahigh-school-level education posted revealing pictures of themselves moreoften than did men with a similar level of education. We analyzed our resultsin light of Goffman's theory of self-presentation.
In our study, we concentrated on one of the practices of Facebookusage, namely, self-presentation. Specifically, we examined whatcharacterizes people who upload revealing pictures of their body to theirFacebook public profile. Our aim was to identify by demographics andrelationship status, Facebook users who choose to expose their physique tothe world on this platform. This was done not just to satisfy statisticalcuriosity, but also because the sociodemographic profile of SNS users caninfluence the pictures they choose to upload (Oberst, Renau, Chamarro, &Carbonell, 2016), and these pictures can indicate motives for using SNS (Onget al., 2011; Siibak, 2009).
Some researchers have claimed that Facebook users have a tendencyto stretch the truth to present socially desirable identities (Siibak, 2009;Yurchisin, Watchravesringkan, & McCabe, 2005). The practices used toestablish such a desired persona are more often implicit (e.g., uploadingpictures showing the users engaged in certain social activities, andrefraining from uploading pictures shot in other settings) and lessfrequently explicit (e.g., articulating a clear narrative in the "AboutMe" section of their profile). However, the opposing view has beenpresented in studies published in the 2010s, whereby an extended real-lifepresentation aimed at creating a credible image is the more prevalent norm ofself-presentation on Facebook (Back et al., 2010). Thus, for instance, userstend to refrain from posting a picture of someone else as a profile picture(Hum et al., 2011). Researchers have also shown that people's motivesfor using Facebook vary considerably and include, inter alia, keeping intouch with friends, making new contacts (both for romantic purposes and fornonromantic friendship), reconnecting with lost contacts (Joinson, 2008),promoting business (Kwok & Yu, 2013), political affiliation (Vitak etal., 2011), and studying (Wang, Woo, Quek, Yang, & Liu, 2012). Themultipurpose usage of Facebook leads to practices of self-presentation thatdiffer from those employed on dating websites or for commercial homepages,where the variety of social contexts is narrower (Zhao et al., 2008).
Individual physical traits, such as body shape and skinappearance, along with cultural norms, can influence one's decision tocover or expose naked skin in public (Back, 1985). Men, for example, may wearclothes that emphasize body features with which they are satisfied (Frith& Gleeson, 2004). Women, on the other hand, deal with a more complexsituation because the impression created by dressing in a revealing outfit isaffected by both men's perception of women as being seductive (Raby,2010) and media messages conveying that tight, body-exposing outfits displayfeminine attractiveness (Moor, 2013). Rudd and Lennon (2000) stated thatpeople with little education may prefer to wear outfits that emphasize bodilyfeatures, as they feel that they have nothing better to offer, and commentedyounger people wear skimpy outfits when they think that their body is in goodshape. To sum up, the tendency to wear revealing clothing is not only amatter of climate or fashion but also a tactic of self-presentation (Back,1985).
As mentioned earlier, one of the means of self-presentation insocial media contexts is the use of pictures. Facebook users may, as part ofan image enhancement effort, upload pictures depicting themselves in afavorable light, such as when they have fun with their friends and are posedin the center of the group (Zhao et al., 2008). Ong et al. (2011) concludedthat Facebook users are aware of the importance of pictures in identityconstruction, and commented that, although the choice of profile pictures isundoubtedly impacted by personality characteristics, like extroversion andnarcissism, the influence of sociodemographic variables remains partlyunclear. Strano (2008) found gender differences in the use of Facebookprofile pictures, with men describing their motivation to post profilepictures in which they are posed with their partners in terms of directlyimpacting their relationship with the partner, whereas women described theposting of such photographs in terms of projecting their identity to others.In both a qualitative case study of the now defunct MySpace platform (Manago,Graham, Greenfield, & Salimkhan, 2008) and a quantitative study of chatrooms (Kapidzic & Herring, 2011), women were found to be more likely thanmen were to post "selfie pictures" or "avatars" thatcorresponded with gender stereotypes (e.g., seductive photographs). Incontrast, Hum et al. (2011) did not find significant differences between menand women in relation to the content of their Facebook profile pictures, asboth genders posted mainly inactive pictures (i.e., those involving nomovement of the body). Siibak (2009) found that adolescent males and femalesboth mentioned looking good as the number one reason for choosing theirprofile picture for an Estonian social network. With just a few researchershaving yielded unequivocal results, we believe that more information isneeded about the content of, and external factors influencing Facebookprofile pictures.
Previous researchers have found that age, gender, and level ofeducation affect offline self-presentation tactics; specifically, youngerpeople, women, and less educated persons tend to emphasize their physicalattributes in social interactions (Leary, 1996). In SNS-related studies,scholars have attested that age, gender, and level of education are alsoassociated with the motivation for using Facebook (Joinson, 2008; Siibak,2009; Strano, 2008). In light of this information, we were curious to knowwhether or not these variables would also predict the content of profilepictures--assuming that the attributes of these photographs are implicitsigns that are given off (to use Goffman's 1959 terminology) forself-presentation to create a certain impression (Ong et al., 2011; Siibak,2009). Thus, we asked the following research question: 041b061a72